Excerpts from “Heaven” (booklet) by Randy Alcorn
Below you will find excerpts from the Heaven booklet. This booklet is itself a short version of the full book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. We wholeheartedly recommend the book (and buying it), but the booklet is already excellent. If you are praying about partnering with us, and you haven’t read this booklet yet, please let us know! We’d love to mail it to you. We believe reading it will help you to see the special opportunity you have to bless yourself by investing eternally in missions. Even if you don’t partner with us, we think reading this booklet will energize your walk with Christ!
More info about Heaven: Heaven Book: Table of Contents – Eternal Perspective Ministries
We hope these excerpts get you excited about our eternal home–Heaven!
The Present Heaven and the Future Heaven
What we usually think of when we hear the word Heaven is what tehologians call the intermediate Heaven. For Christians, it’s where we go when we die It’s the place we’ll live until our bodily resurrection…
Will Heaven (the New Earth) Be an Actual Place?
Jesus told his disciples, “I will come back and take you with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3). He uses spatial terms to describe Heaven. The world where refers to a location. Likewise, the phrase “come back and take you” indicates movement and a physical destination…
What Will Heaven Be Like?
Scripture gives us many images that are full of implications about Heaven. Put them togehter, and these jigsaw pieces form a beautiful picture. For example, we’re told that Heaven is a city (Hebrews 11:10; 13:14). When we hear the word city, we shouldn’t scrath out heads and think, I wonder that means? We understand cities. Cities have people, buildings, activities, gatherings, art, music, athletics, events of all kinds, and goods and services…
What Will We Looks Like in Heaven?
Jesus had a physically resurrected body that allowed him to walk, talk, and eat (John 21:1-4; Lule 24:36-43). We’ve told that our bodeis will be like his (1 Corinthians 15:20, 48-49; Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2)…
What Will We Do for All Eternity?
At death, the human spirit leaves the body (Ecclesiastes 12:7). We go either to Heaven or Hell (Luke 16:22-31). As demonstrated in the story of the rich man and Lazarus–and affirmed by Christ when he tells the thief he will be with him in paradise “today” (Luke 23:43)–there is immediate conscious exicstence after death, both in Heaven and Hell (2 Corinthians 5:8; Revelation 6:9-11; Philippians 1:23)…
Won't Heaven Be Boring?
If you picture the eternal Heaven as a disembodied state, you have reason to fear boredom–because God didn’t make us for such a world. But when you understand the meaning of our bodily resucrrection and the new universe, all thought of boredom will disappear…
Will There Be Animals on the New Earth?
I have included two full chapters on this fascinating subject in the book Heaven, but I will try to summarize the main points here…
Will We Have Our Own Homes in Heaven?
Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. . . . I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). The word place is singular, but rooms in plural. This suggests that Jesus has in mind for each of us an individual dwelling that is a smaller part of the larger place…
What Won't Be in Heaven?
No death, no suffering. No funeral homes, abortion clinics, or psychiatric wards. No rape, missing children, or drug rehabilitation centers. No bigotry, no muggings, or killings. No worry or depression or economic downturns. No wars, no unemployment. No anguish over failure or miscommunication. No con men. No locks. No death. No mourning. No pain. No boredom…
Will Time No Longer Exist in Heaven?
We will live for eternity as finite beings. God, who is timeless, can accomodate himself by entering into time, but we cannot accomodate ourselves to timelessness because that is a condition of infinity…
Will We Know Everything When We Get to Heaven?
Go alone is omniscient.
God sees clearly and comprehensively. In Heaven, we will see things with clarity (1 Corinthians 13:12). But we will never see comprehensively. We will know much more than we do now, but we will never know everything, because we will never be God…
Will We Remember What Happened on Earth?
After death, the martyrs depicted in Revelation 6:9-11 clearly remember at least some of what happened on Earth, including that they underwent great suffering. If they remeber that, what wouldn’t they remember? There’s no reason to assume that in Heaven we will forget our lives on Earth. In fact, we’ll likely remember much more there than we do here, and we’ll probably be able to see how God and angels intervened on our behalf when we didn’t realize it…
Can Those in the Present Heaven See What's Happening on Earth?
The answer is yes, at least to some extent. The martyrs, after they are in Heaven, call out, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” (Revelation 6:9-11)…
If People in Heaven Are Aware of Bad Things Happening on Earth, How Could It Really Be Heaven?
Many books maintain that those in Heaven cannot be aware of people and events on Earth because they presumably would be made unhappy by all the suffering and evil–making Heaven something less than Heaven…
Will We Be Reunited with and Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven?
Being with Christ will be the greatest joy of Heaven. The next greatest joy will be reuniting with our loved ones who have died. The certainty of the ultimate reunion is so sweet that it makes the parting bearable…
Will There Be Marriage and Family in Heaven?
Jesus said that resurrected people would not be married (Matthew 22:30). Yet Scripture makes it clear that there will be marriage in Heaven. There will be one marriage, between Christ and his bride..
How Can We Know for Sure That We'll Go to Heaven?
A Barna poll shows that for every American who believes he or she is going to Hell, there are 120 who believe they’re going to Heaven. Yet Christ said otherwise: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14)…