While we may be the ones going, we are able to go because we have generous financial partners. Our financial partners give monthly or one-time, and in turn, they have a part in what God is doing in the Philippines.
Current Monthly Support
(as of 1/10/2025)
We want to
- Subsidize costs to provide rest to over 1,700 missionaries and pastors yearly.
- Provide 5 free nights monthly to ministers in need of rest.
- Allow us to train Christian teachers around the Philippines.
- Help us start a Christian children’s camp in the northern Philippines.
Help us reach our full monthly support! If we had just 42 more partners each giving at least $75 a month, we would be fully supported! Your $5, $75, or $500 helps us get there!

Multiply your financial gift! Through our current ministries, we are able to bless so many Gospel workers, workers who in turn bless countless people in the Philippines.
If you prefer to give offline, you may click the link above.
For offline methods, you will need to use our ABWE account number to make sure your financial partnership gets to us.
ABWE account #: 0170451
Partner Churches
We have partner churches, churches made up of people who we thank God for. If you are in need of a church home, we wholeheartedly recommend these churches (links direct you to church websites).
Anchor Baptist Church
Located in San Antonio, Texas.
Chinese Christian Church of Jacksonville
Located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Christ Love Community Church
Located in Orange Park, Florida.
Community Baptist Church
Located in Devine, Texas.
Covenant Christian Church
Located in Jacksonville, FL.
Crosspointe Church
Located in Fleming Island, Florida.
Harvest Country Church
Located in Pleasanton, Texas.
Oak Hills Community Church
Located in Floresville, Texas.
Promise Land Baptist Church
Located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Rebecca Creek Baptist Church
Located in Spring Branch, Texas.
Shindler Drive Baptist Church
Located in Jacksonville, Florida.
South Point Baptist Church
Located in Jacksonville, Florida.
West Meadows Baptist Church
Located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Partner Businesses
We are blessed to have businesses who partner with us. If you are able to, please consider giving business to these businesses who help us do so many good things in the Philippines (clicking on boxes below directs you to business websites).
Nino's Pinoy Express
Nino’s Pinoy Express in Jacksonville, Florida.
Superior Ponds
Superior Ponds in New Prague, Minnesota.
White Oak Family Dentistry
White Oak Family Dentistry in Birmingham, Alabama
Partner Individuals
We are blessed to have 30 individuals partnered with our ministry. Would you want to be a part too?
We are all called to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. Would you partner with us?